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Glacial Acetic Acid

    Glacial acetic acid is also known as anhydrous acetic acid or water-free acetic acid. Glacial acetic acid is called "glacial" because its freezing point (16.7 C) is only slightly below room temperature. In the (generally unheated) laboratories in which the pure material was first prepared, the acid was often found to have frozen into ice-like crystals. The term "glacial acetic acid" is now taken to refer to pure acetic acid (ethanoic acid) in any physical state. The chemical formula of acetic acid is CH3CO2H.

    Acetic acid is used in the manufacture of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM), Ester production, Acetic Anhydride, Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), Monochloroacetic Acid (MCA) etc.

    Glacial Acetic acid is produced all over the world, China, the United States, the rest of Asia and Western Europe regions are popular for the majority of the acetic acid market. All over the world China is 44% Glacial acetic acid manufacturer, rest of Asia is 21%, United States is 19% and Western Europe 6%. These regions produce up to 90% of total world acetic acid capacity. China has the largest share of Glacial acetic acid consumption with 30% of whole demand. The rest of Asia accounted for 27% of total demand, 20% in the United States and 14% in Western Europe. These regions sum over 90% of global glacial acetic acid consumption.

    TradeKey aims to make easy international trade and bring buyers and sellers from all over the world to one common platform. We have many Glacial acetic acid manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, buyers, importers, wholesalers from all over the world. Especially the Glacial acetic acid sells and purchases well, we have confidence if you want to buy or sell Glacial acetic acid in global market, TradeKey is the best place to promote you business.
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