organic sun-dried tomatoes produced in Burdur, a Mediterranean Turkish city that has one of the best climates humidity, and Sun in the country. Sun-dried tomatoes are ripe tomatoes that lo...
Garlic is a highly medicinal crop used by Africans to treat a lot of diseases of both old and adults. It is used as condiment in many dishes and treat ailments like cold, hypertension and others.
Ugu leaf Ugu leaves, otherwise known as fluted pumpkin leaves, can be seen growing alongside large fleshy green gourds. Fluted pumpkins are native to West Africa, and they are most common for Souther
Ginger and the stem falls over the head of the flavor you need to make a healthy meal for your children and children with you and your children and children with you and your children and children ...
yam is one of the widely consumed foods in Nigeria and all over the world today. we export quality and generally acceptable yam. our yam is one of the best in the market today with zero pes...
We are offering Dehydrated Onion Flakes/Kibbled, Chopped, Minced, Granules, Powder form that can be used for several food preparations like sauces, vegetable mixes, dry soups and varied fast foods....
Ginger is a knotted, thick, beige underground stem rhizome . The stem extends roughly *2 inches above ground with long, narrow, ribbed, green leaves, and white or yellowish-green flowers. Gin...
The Whole Millet grain with husk intact. Easily stored for long periods of time with its nutritional value intact. USES: Home milling and sprouting. To sprout soak overnight and sprouts will appear...
Garlic anti cancer effects are well known. Epidemiological studies have shown that populations which consume more garlic have lower incidences of cancer. Other such studies have also shown an inver...
Product is sourced from Australian growers who have declared their crops to be free of genetically modified organisms and must meet strict receival standards. products are certified by ACO P*1, USD...
Kidney Beans Kidney Beans Buy ***2 High Quality British Type Dark Red Kidney Beans Rich in protein Kidney Beans Kidney Beans Buy ***2 High Quality British Type Dark Red Kidney Beans Rich in protein...
Natural Pure Wheat Dried Grade Grain High Quality Wheat Iron Type Healthy Wheat Texture Fresh Broken Place Ratio Cultivation Common Wholesale Raw Packaging. Natural Pure Wheat Dried Grade Gra...
name : dry ginger from : Indonesia we cv mijil jaya berkah also provides other agricultural products, you can contact us directly to order and tell the needs you are looking ...
Dried Ginger is globally used as spices, for flavouring and food preservatives. It is also popular with its medicinal benefits. We offer 3 grades of ginger - Grade 1 Low Afla , Grade 2 and Grade ...
1 Normal white garlic red garlic, purple garlic
2 Pure white garlic snow white garlic, super white garlic
sizes: 4.**5.0cm, 5.**5.5cm, 5.**6.0cm, 6.**6.5cm, 6.5cm and up
1 Normal white garlic red garlic, purple garlic
2 Pure white garlic snow white garlic, super white garlic
sizes: 4.**5.0cm, 5.**5.5cm, 5.**6.0cm, 6.**6.5cm, 6.5cm and up
Uvava Trading PTY LTD has evolved in the retail space from a stalwart warehouse chain to now being able to offer customers a convenient online shopping hub. Makro offers food, the latest electronic...
We supply Chinese vegetable and fruit professionally.We can supply all kinds of garlic onion with whatever pack.adamliue at xxxxx msn adamliu***4 at xxxxx
They are salty, fermented peppers which are not hot. If you do not like hot peppers you can eat with oyher meals. Because it is an appetizing and delicious food for pickles lovers.
We provide to you the best agricultural products from an agricultural country,Kenya you can be assuared to get the best offers and most importantly the best products.Hook up with us and lets do bu...