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Aloe Vera Cream

Aloe Vera Cream


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الاتصال الآن
عضو مجاني

الشخص الذي يمكن الاتصال به Mr. Jignesh

A-5, "Vraj Bhoomi" Pushpak - II Banglows,, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

الاتصال الآن

مواصفات المنتج


This product comprises of Aloe Vera and Wheat Germ Oil and blended proportionately. Aloe vera wheat germ massage oils and creams can make a great difference by absorbing deep into the skin and providing vitamins and nutrients to the skin having wrinkles, marks, and bruises. The wheat germ root possesses Vitamin E as well as other vitamins naturally. Massaging your body will increase the blood circulation giving more blood supply to the skin. This leaves your skin smooth and silky and increases the reproduction of muscles & muscle fibers. The wrinkle on the upper layer of the skin vanishes gradually giving a very young looking skin. The marks and bruise on the skin also fades away and eventually disappears.

بلد: India
نموذج رقم: aloe1
سعر فوب: أحصل على آخر سعر
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مجموعة المنتج : Aloe vera

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