Han Shihan steams stems from South Korea, steams
from the ancient clay perspiration several passes through evolves
the today high tech, the high efficiency, the multipurpose new
generation tourmaline perspiration to steam.
The tourmaline to improves the human body health, the cosmetology,
to lose weight has the very tangible effect; It is uses the
tourmaline and the infrared principle of reflection, the warming
causes one high fever physiotherapy which the human perspires
forms. Human body after absorption tourmaline heating releases the
remote infrared ray, the anoin, the Asian ion, the mineral element
and so on, the skin metabolism deleterious substance, enhances the
flesh elasticity, promotes the whole body blood circulation and
metabolism, thus achieves the cosmetology, the US body and treats
some chronic illness's function.
The tourmaline by the widespread application health
care profession, now is also presented now in many tourmaline
perspirations has steamed the room, such perspiration steamed Fang
Bahan to steam with the tourmaline function displays the