We are a manufactory that produce inorganic chemical, organic
chemicals. fertilizer. such as fatty acid.
The Krafft point of MES is *7~*0 degree so the solubility at low
temperature is poor.
It is easy to hydrolyse resulting di-sodium salt when contacts with
acid, alkali and high temperature.
Direction for use:
MES(*0%) is viscous liquid above *0 degree, and becoming gel below
*0 degree. It would be layered for long-time storage in low
Solid MES is flake or powder at normal temperature, and easily bond
when store above *5degree.
MES(*0%, *0%) is soluble in water above *0 degree. For solid
product, it is suggested to use with hot water (*0~*0 degree);
Recommended use (as **0% a. M): 2~4%(liquid detergent),
3~8%(washing powder), 2~8% (liquid laundry detergent)