SAMS SOAP KITCHEN IN Pakistan is manufacturing hand made natural
soaps and body cosmetics, we will sell gorgeous hand crafted
delicious funky soaps from soap cakes, soap cup cakes, soap food
items all making unique gifts. some look good enough
to eat! the range includes kids soaps, soap kebabs, soap on
a rope,soap bars, soap loaves, fizzy bath bombs,bath creamers,bath
muffins, bath truffles, body scrubs, whipped body butters, bath
salts, fancy hand made washing up gloves and more!!!
These novel and unique hand made soaps make great gifts for wedding
favors, baby showers, birthdays, any special occasions, the baby
showers can be baby shaped soaps, fairies, angels, baby vests, baby
shoes, soap candies, soap baby bottles loads of choice! the kids
soaps are great with many animal designs , toy soaps, fairies,
angels loads of choice!
we have many soap designs to choose .
We will do bespoke soaps for customers you can choose your designs,
colors, fragrances .
We make the soaps using vegetable glycerin and traditional cold
processed soaps using the finest ingredients, vegetable oils, herbs
, fruits, flowers and fragrances. visit our website
based in Lahore but will deliver all over Pakistan./Asia
Contact us for further details.