Ca-oxalate containing high protein causes itching, then the
tubers porang can not be consumed directly as well as A.
campanulatus (suweg or elephant yam)
at this point porang tuber has become a potential source of
glucomannan as
industrial raw materials of food, medicine and cosmetics. The
advantages of glucomannan
is a unique character as thickening (thickening agent), among
have a water absorption capacity of more than **0 times its
own weight, viscosity increases
easy solution and synergy with other thickening. Glucomannan
can be used
as a low-calorie foodstuffs suitable for people who diet
without hunger fast.
Even at this time glucomannan from Amorphophallus spp tuber
has driven the industry
biomaterials and development nanomedecine. Polymer composites
and nanotechnology
safe has been developed to coat a variety of ingredients.
Industry needs
The reported glucomannan levels also varied from *4.4 to
*8.3% to *4.*8%
F. Benefits Porang
Porang innumerable benefits, especially for industry and
health, this is mainly due glucomanan substances in it. The
benefits unbi Porang are as follows:
1. Material glue
2. July
3. Mie
4. Conyaku / out
5. felem
6. Sticking tablet
7. Packaging capsule
8. Strengthening paper