Silica sand is produced by crushing sand stone or quartzite of open
texture, and washing and garding it to yield requisite grain
distribution. Silica flour is produced by crushing grinding and
washing the high grade quartz, quartzite rocks or from white silica
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Sio2 the general impurities are
iron/aluminium oxides and lime.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERS: Sandstone is a friable & hard. The grain
size of the particles is variable. it is friable & mainly brown
to grey in colour.
Special Grade: intended for the manufacture of high grade colour
less glass. Such as Crystal Glass, tableware & other decorative
wares. b)Grade 1. intended for the manufacture of decolourised
glassware, such as container ware, lamp ware. c)Grade 2. intended
for the manufacture of glassware where slight tint is permissible.
d) Grade 3 intended for the manufacture of glasses like sheet glass
and some colored glass like iron sulphur amber glass.
USES : Silica sand used for water purification and manufacture of
glass, synthetic foundry moulding catalysts, disodium ultramarine
etc. it is also used for acid heat resistant ceramics,
refractories, pottery glaze, enamel etc. Silica sand of **0 mesh is
used in Sawing stone, grinding and surfacing glass and polishing
marble Rounded Grains of silica sand are used for sand blasting it
is also used as a filler in paints 'Wood Paste' moulded hard rubber
goods, gypsum Plasters, oxychloride acoustic plasters and soap.
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