1, Introduction
Radio nodes can switch valves, pumps, fertilizer tanks and other
devices according to the time plan and weather. Data radio node can
operate 4 solenoid valve. Every valve can have separate water flow
meter. Additionally, 4 sensors, such as soil moisture, soil
temperature, plant size can be connected to each valve.
Radio nodes use solar energy for operation and do not require any
cables. Special version of radio node is equipped with relays
instead of valves.It allows to use it for switching different
peripheral devices, such as pumps and fertigation.
Radio nodes measure multiple parameters, such as water flow, soil
moisture and plant conditions and send this data to the central
2, Technical data
1) Battery : Lithium AA 3.6 V, 2.4 Ah
2) Lithium AA 3.6 V, 2.4 Ah : 4 - 5 Years
3) Interfaces : 4 x analog, 1 x digital
4) Max. number of sensors : 4
5) Communication range : **3km
6) Radio Standard : IEEE **2.*5.4 **3/**8/**5 MHz
7) Supported by : CaipoBase, CaipoBase Lite,PC