Pedestal Boom Breaker
Advantages of Pedestal breakers
• They increase the productivity of your mill.
• They reduce maintenance.
• Total operator protection.
• Optional remote control.
• Customized product development.
• Total reliability.
• They are irreplaceable in Mines and Quarries.
• They can be used for general applications (foundries, steel
mills, etc.)
Pedestal Breaker Solutions
Pedestal Boom Systems
The Hammer Depot offers custom made Pedestal Boom systems to
your order to meet your specific needs.
We offer a complete range of pedestal boom systems complete
with hydraulic hammer, controls and power packs to suit your needs.
These pedestal boom systems are used for mounting on waste transfer
stations, primary jaw, impact and gyratory crushers for crushed
stone and at concrete and demolition recycling plants.
We offer a large selection of options to suit your budget and
your needs with a selection of new used or rebuilt hammers from a
variety of different hammer brands.
We offer custom built crusher boom systems, hydraulic hammer,
complete power pack and different control methods. We will custom
make a complete system to match your application. The whole system
will then be boxed and can be shipped anywhere in the world ready
for installation.
All pedestal booms are of heavy duty construction to give
reliability. The correct crusher boom arrangement will reduce your
crusher down time, eliminate bridging and maintain uninterupted
flow of material through your crusher and greatly reduce downtime
quickly and safely.