*2 bit ARM processor
1.TCP/IP communication mode, support for 5 channels simultaneous
communication(support 5 operators simultaneously operate)
2.Storage:**2,**0 cards,**0,**0 records
3.Two ways(can read card inside and outside)
4.With powerful expansibility that convenient to integrate with
other devices
â‘ limit card uses times
â‘¡bistable state, swipe card the door normally open,
swipe again the door normally close
â‘¢anti-theft host function
â‘£time zone management
⑤limit the number of people inside door and
â‘¥repeat read card interval setting function
⑦access authentication methods setting
⑧read card inside and outside to open door
⑨anti-passback, interlock function
â‘©video capture/recording
Dimension: **8***5**0mm
Weight: 0.*6kg
The software and SDK are free to provide