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Akwa Palace, Liberte ,Doualal,Littoral ,Cameroon Cameroon

9th Year
9500 Trust Points
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الصفحة الرئيسية الشركة الزراعة مكسرات & حبات الكاجو ZOTA ATANGANA CO

ZOTA  ATANGANA  COL is an agricultural  company Located in Litoral Region, Douala Douala Cameroon.Specialised in Agriculture nuts , seeds,Oil and We operate in agro industry and general merchandising.We have a highly skilled and experienced team of professionals, who consistently work hard to maintain the quality of our agro products. They are the most precious assets & the backbone of our company and their main motto is to provide utmost level of satisfaction to our customers. Our talented workers, administrative & marketing staff and other associates are very cooperative with each other and work as a family. We can deliver our agro products in bulk and have achieved a reputed name in the business of supplying wholesale Almond, dry ginger,grlic,cooking oil, beans, seeds etc.

We were incepted in the year ***7, with an objective to become worlds largest exporter of agro products. It was incepted by honourable Mr. Johnson. Coltey, the CEO of the company, who gave a new dimension to our company. He is *0 years old, dynamic and young entrepreneur and has vast experience in the field of marketing, finance, administration and manufacturing. He has been dealing in this business since last *8 years. Mr. Kashinath David is an experienced veteran and a highly skilled business man. He has an experience of *5 years in the trading business. He manages overall administration, information and system field, quality production etc. and helps the company in achieving name and fame in the international agro market. Due to the high experience of our companys head, we are able to stand in the midst of

اتصل الآن

ZOTA ATANGANA CO Company Services

المعلومات الأساسية

نوع النشاط Distributors/Wholesalers
الموقع الإلكتروني https://www.tradekey.com/index.html?action=profile_edit
سنة التأسيس 1999
عدد موظفي الشركة 51-100
أسواق رئيسية Americas,Africa,Asia,Caribbean,America,Europe,Middle East,Oceania,Worldwide
الشركة منتجات / خدمات agricultutral oils and nuts

معلومات المصنع

مصنع الموقع Douala Cameroon
حجم المصنع 3000 sqm to 5000 sqm
عدد خطوط الإنتاج 2
إجمالي حجم المشتريات السنوي 10 - 25 Million USD
عدد من R & D الموظفين Above 100 people
مراقبة الجودة Third Parties
شهادة FDA , SGS
عقد تصنيع Buyer Label Offered

معلومات أخرى

رأس مال مسجل 1 - 2.5 Million USD
نوع الملكية Corporation Limited Liability Company
الممثل القانوني / رئيس مجلس الإدارة Mohammed osih
نسبة الصادرات 95%
إجمالي حجم المبيعات السنوي 2.5 - 10 Million USD
رقم من موظفي مراقبة الجودة 61 - 70 people

اتصل بنا

الشخص الذي يمكن الاتصال به Mr. Mohammed
رقم الهاتف ********
التليفون المحمول ********
رقم الفاكس ********


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اتصل بهذا البائع

Mr. Mohammed < ZOTA ATANGANA CO >
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