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Shenyang Itons Drying Equipment Inc

No.79, Sanhao Street, Shenyang, Liaoning, China,Shenyang,Liaoning,China China

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الصفحة الرئيسية الشركة Shenyang Itons Drying Equipment Inc منتوجات

منتوجات: 5


TriplePassDryer, SinglePassDryer Thetriplepassdryersystemsarebasedontheuseoftriplepassrot...

الاتصال الآن
rotary dryer, drum dryer
Rotary dryer, drum dryer

TriplePassDryer, SinglePassDryer Thetriplepassdryersystemsarebasedontheuseoftriplepassrot...

الاتصال الآن
Screw Press Dewatering System
Screw Press Dewatering System

Itons Screw presses provide an easy to operate and maintain dewatering system. It can be used in the same applications where belt presses, centrifuges

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Solid Fuel Burner
Solid Fuel Burner

The ITONS Series solid fuel burners, Suspension Burner and Grate Biomass Burner, have industrial applications including dryer heat source, heat for ki

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Tube Bundle Dryer
Tube Bundle Dryer

Tube bundle dryer is structured with a stationary shell with a rotating heating tube bundle as well as shovels. The central element in the dryer is th

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Mr. itons < Shenyang Itons Drying Equipment Inc >
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