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Qingdao Hawk Rigging Co., Ltd

No.231,Taishan2 rd,Qingdao,Shandong,China China

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الصفحة الرئيسية الشركة Qingdao Hawk Rigging Co., Ltd عروض بيع

عروض بيع: 8

Sell shackle
Sell Shackle

Our company can produce the following products: (1)commercial grade serew pin anchor shackel U.S type (2)com

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Sell turnbuckle
Sell Turnbuckle

Our company can produce the following products: (1)Turnbuckels Din 1480 (2)Turnbuckels DIn 1480 with plates

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Sell wire rope clips
Sell Wire Rope Clips

Our company can produce the following products: (1)U.S. type malleable wire rope clips.zp (2)Din 741 malleab

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Sell chain
Sell Chain

Our company can produce the following products: (1)proof coil chain G30, U.S. type ASTM80 (2)High test chain

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Sell wire rope thimble
Sell Wire Rope Thimble

Our company can produce the following products: (1)U.S. type extra heavy duty wire rope thimble, ***** (2)U.

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Sell chain block hoist
Sell Chain Block Hoist

Chain block hoist: (1)Hand hoist is a portable lifting device easily operated by hand chain. It is suitable f

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Sell pullyes and blocks
Sell Pullyes And Blocks

Our company can produce the following products: (1)single pulley, ZP or black painted (2)double pulley, Zp o

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Sell G80 Products
Sell G80 Products

Our company can produce the following products: (1)web sling connector (2)G80 omega link (3)G80 clevis l

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    اتصل بهذا البائع

    Mr. kevin < Qingdao Hawk Rigging Co., Ltd >
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